All church activities canceled through Tuesday, October 27th due to COVID-19



We offer Sunday school at 9:00 and 10:45 AM.
Here is what we will be studying January 5th through May 4th, 2025:

9:00 AM


Passion Week

The final week of Jesus’ life here on earth during His first advent is commonly called the Passion Week. Coming from the Latin word pati meaning “to endure” or “to suffer”, Jesus our Messiah bore the shame of the cross and suffered the wrath of the Father as payment for our sins. Those final days from the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem to His glorious Resurrection from the grave are recorded in all four Gospels. Tracing His steps as if we were eyewitnesses in that group of disciples, we will walk with and be taught by Jesus in His last days.

Location: Alpha upstairs

10:45 AM


Genesis (continued) and Exodus


Live Smart: Preparing for the Future God Wants for You
by Dan Dumas


Taking God at His Word
by Kevin DeYoung


The Letter of James

The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in the Jerusalem church.  During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution.  Out of compassion, James wrote this epistle to confront them and motivate them to test the quality and consistency of their faith.  In this short and powerful book, James give us practical guidance on issues that also measure our living faith and spiritual fruitfulness.  He encourages us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only,” to “draw near to God,” and “to be patient… until the coming of the Lord” (James 1:22; 4:8; 5:7).  James calls all believers—then and now—to live a life that demonstrates saving faith marked by godly behavior.

Location: Alpha upstairs

9:00 AM


The Passion Week

The final week of Jesus’ life here on earth during His first advent is commonly called the Passion Week. Coming from the Latin word pati meaning “to endure” or “to suffer”, Jesus our Messiah bore the shame of the cross and suffered the wrath of the Father as payment for our sins. Those final days from the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem to His glorious Resurrection from the grave are recorded in all four Gospels. Tracing His steps as if we were eyewitnesses in that group of disciples, we will walk with and be taught by Jesus in His last days.

Location: Alpha upstairs

10:45 AM

CHILDREN (age 2 - grade 6)

Genesis (cont.) and Exodus


Smart Living
by Dan Dumas




The Letter of James

The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in the Jerusalem church.  During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution.  Out of compassion, James wrote this epistle to confront them and motivate them to test the quality and consistency of their faith.  In this short and powerful book, James give us practical guidance on issues that also measure our living faith and spiritual fruitfulness.  He encourages us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only,” to “draw near to God,” and “to be patient… until the coming of the Lord” (James 1:22; 4:8; 5:7).  James calls all believers—then and now—to live a life that demonstrates saving faith marked by godly behavior.

Location: Alpha upstairs